Is It Easy to Change Water Pump in 1987 Tras Am

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Posted: Aug/06/2012 at 7:55am
Setup: 69 Javelin, 290, a/c
Problem: Trying to replace water pump and flush rust
Sorry for the newb question but good giggly wiggly. I figure I've got some mechanical aptitude but guess I need more clues. I did try several searches but it appears everyone on the forum is much smarter than me. I've got my TSM. Found the exploding diagram of the water pump and accessories. Removed radiator, hoses, fan shroud, and fan blade (a/c condenser still in place). Now I'm stuck.
- Can I not remove the pulley from the water pump before removing the pump or do I simply try to wiggle various wrenches in place to unbolt the water pump with pulley and fan bracket still in place?
- Is there a bolt in the center of the fan blade spacer that I need a thin walled socket to squeeze in there? If so, what size? (I can't look directly into hole with condenser in place)
- A sequence of next steps would be helpful as with every other project I've gotten stymied several times.
- BTW, since the car was sitting for 30 yrs I'm trying to flush out rust as well in the water jacket. Any good hints for this would be great. Right now I'm just ramming a hose down the water outlet.
Geez. If a water pump is whipping me I can just imagine when I try updating my suspension parts. . Thanks for any and all help.
(BTW, I have managed to pull/replace the gas tank, flush the fuel lines, and replace wheel cylinders and brake hoses so maybe I'm not too far gone)

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The hollow in the center of the fan spacer is there to center the spacer on the water pump. There is no bolt in there. And yes, you do need to removed the pulley which is held in place by three or four bolts (I say 3 or 4 because I've never changed the water pump on a '69 so I don't know if it is held in place by 3 or 4 bolts). The pulley might just be rusted onto the pump hub. Tap it lightly on opposite sides until it comes off. Be careful not to warp the pulley. You will need it for the new pump. It does not come with the pump.
Good luck!
Mr. Ed
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Tap I will. I removed 4 bolts to get the blade off and got no movement so I assumed another bolt. Dadgum rust got me again.

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1.There are four bolts holding the fan to the water pump snout. They have to come out before the pulley will come loose.
2.There is an aluminum spacer between the steel fan and the water pump snout. This does corrode and get stuck.
3.Once the 4 bolts are out light tapping and maybe a little shot of PB blaster or liquid wrench will get it loose. Transfer the spacer and the fan to your new pump after you bolt the new pump on the engine.
I am not not much smarter your necessarily even as smart as you but I have changed the 1969 water pump before, which is the only advantage I have here in this discussion.
I just yanked my rear shocks off the rear axle they were ancient/rusted but for what ever reason they came right out no problems, sometimes you get lucky!

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When I removed the 4 bolts, I assumed the aluminum spacer would just come off. However, it's still attached to the pulley. So I tried twisting it and it did twist some so I assumed there was a bolt holding it to the pulley.


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The four bolts hold the fan blade, pulley and spacer on to the water pump hub. If you have the fan blade and pulley off try to twist the spacer back and forth. There is a round boss about 1/2 inch in diameter that sits in the spacer. That is what locks up and prevents the spacer from just falling off. It is actually the end of the water pump shaft. Once that is off take out all the bolts around the water pump. There are 7/16 and 1/2 headed bolts. After all the bolts are out tap on the pump shaft to dislodge the pump. Hold on to it so in doesn't fall. Carefully clean the gasket surface. This is an aluminum cover so it can be damaged by over scrapping. Check the insides of the water passages in the timing cover for corrosion. They some times corrode all the way through. Glue the new gasket to the water pump and reinstall. Fill radiator.
Carefully watch the coolant level after starting. Once the thermostat opens all that air will want to get out. taking coolant with it. I suggest leaving the radiator cap on and watch the temperature gauge until in reaches operating temperature. If it starts to run hot turn off the motor and recheck the level.
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Winner winner chicken dinner! Got the pulley off. I see 2 issues I need confirmed.
- Looks like I have to remove the a/c compressor as it appears (hard to see) that the bottom right bolt runs right through a water pump flange hole.
- I see the power steering bracket needs removed but looks like I have to remove the whole ps pump as the ps pulley doesn't seem to pull apart (like the water pump pulley) and the 2 bolts holding the ps bracket to the ps pump are behind the pulley and not much room to take out. Is this correct or are the 2 ps bracket bolts short enough to take out?
And thanks for mentioning the timing chain. I kept seeing references to it in other places but wasn't sure if/when it would come into play.

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BTW, if you couldn't tell, I'm working on it as we speak


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If I remember correctly both the compressor and the ps pump have to be removed. I think there is a stud that the ps pump bracket goes over. The compressor can be swung out of the way. Look for some buried bolts on the compressor mount. Once loose it should just fall away. Same with ps. I think there 2 or 3 bolts holding the assembly on. Not hard to get at.
1969 American wagon 290
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Well, I'm close. Got ps out of the way and removed 3 bolts/screws on a/c compressor but haven't gotten it to budge yet. Going to try and remove the top bracket that connects from the ac to the intake to see if I can get it to at least tilt. Otherwise, I be perplexed. Even the water pump is sliding but that 1 ac bolt........

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