Fender American Standard Strat Pickups Blue Black Wire

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Help I.D. These Pickups Please
- Thread starter TomH8
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- #2
>neck and bridge pickup were originals<
Yup, yellow wire is the bridge

- #3
Great! ThanksThose are Am Std's>neck and bridge pickup were originals<
Yup, yellow wire is the bridge

- #5
Is it that strange screw in the pickup base that allows us to identify it as being from an American Standard? Otherwise there is nothing else, is there? And was it only the bridge pickup that had this?

- #6

- #7
Fender also uses screws on a few others, Tex-Mex bridge (strat and Tele), as well as in-between the D and A pole of the Am. Standard Tele neck pup starting in the latter 90's. Seen on Am. Standard Tele bridges too. Classic Series MIM (50's) Tele bridge.
AFAIK, the strat ones I mentioned are the only one with screws, id est, Am Delta Tone and Tex Mex bridge.

- #8
1997 Fender introduced the Delta Tone (no-load tone pot) and re-did the bridge pup and called it a HOT BRIDGE, more wire, (DCR around 7.5+ vs. 6 ish on the old ones) and the screws to add to the ferric mass. I.D. the HOT (Delta Tone era) the yellow lead and base plate screws.Fender also uses screws on a few others, Tex-Mex bridge (strat and Tele), as well as in-between the D and A pole of the Am. Standard Tele neck pup starting in the latter 90's. Seen on Am. Standard Tele bridges too. Classic Series MIM (50's) Tele bridge.
AFAIK, the strat ones I mentioned are the only one with screws, id est, Am Delta Tone and Tex Mex bridge.
So what is it that identifies the pickups in this thread as American Standard pickups? How are we able to tell these from the many other differing pickups that use the exact same plastic bobbins?
- #9
So what is it that identifies the pickups in this thread as American Standard pickups? How are we able to tell these from the many other differing pickups that use the exact same plastic bobbins?
The numbers written in white. 56205 etc.

- #10
The numbers written in white. 56205 etc.
Most don't have that writing. My 1999 Standard certainly didn't.
- #11
For some odd reason the later ones with black grounds seem to have the numbers written on the pickup.

- #12
Was it one with white ground wires?
For some odd reason the later ones with black grounds seem to have the numbers written on the pickup.
The pickups had white hot wires, not ground wires.
I really want to get my head round these 016730 bobbin pickups, but so much I read tends to be contradictory.

- #13
The service diagram for the AMERICAN STRATOCASTER 0117400/7402 dated 16 August 2000 lists the pickup part numbers as 0056205000, 0056206000 and 0056207000. I think these are the black ground wire versions and pretty well all the pickguards I've seen with these have the numbers written on the pickups.
The service diagram for the AMERICAN STANDARD STRATOCASTER 0107400/7402 dated 21 March 2000 has different part numbers for the pickups 0039826000, 0024288000 and 0050665000. Was this the version with white wires? The Duck's picture of a 2006 with white wires and numbered 56205, 6 & 7 seems to blow that theory wide apart!
I've never seen a Standard with white wires in the flesh, only pictures of the pickguards but do wonder if the whites are connected to the hot side of the pickup winding or are they all wired "backwards".

- #14
Am. series or standards-plastic flatware. Mid 80's and up (Standard NAMM intro 1987 TBX) to the delta tone, red middle pup wire, blue neck and bridge- whites to the switch.
1999 DELTA TONE, hot bridge, no load pot. As I said above, bridge pup, screws and yellow wire.....bridge and neck blue.......still all whites to switch.
2007 went to black leads for ground, then the COLORS went to the switch yellow red blue.
Other plastic flatware:
Tex Mex- set colors wires of bridge and mid are the same as AM std., but the neck is white and black wires. The screws in the bridge are between the G-B and A-D.
Highway One,'06 and up- same colors as Tex Mex, only A III mags, much more wire (higher DCR), and NO screws in bridge. Neck 10.6 K, Middle 11.7 K, Bridge 11.7 K
Classic Series 50's and 60's - A V, all black and white wires, DCR around 5.6 KΩ
Classic Series 70's (acually are pre 2006 upgrade Highway One pups) - all black and white wires A III mags, 6 KΩ
So take the fiber flatware, cloth wire (CS pups and 57/62's) out of the equation and that pretty much covers it back to the 80's

- #15
but do wonder if the whites are connected to the hot side of the pickup winding or are they all wired "backwards".
Remember, it's all relative to any pups mate in the SET (id est, what it's played/paired with). So really there is no such thing as HOT SIDE of a pup (or positive) until it's (they are) wired to the switch.
So mfc.'s can use whatever color wires they want, as long as the CONNECTION is right, coil winding wise, to keep phase, or in the case of noise cancel set, be reverse with the middle as in Strats case.
So what wire colors are don't mean jack. ANY wire to the switch in this case is positive. Take those white switch wires and reverse them with the colors and......................it really changes nothing, as long as ALL THREE get swapped.
Da ones on da pots be da grounds.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

- #16
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Source: https://www.strat-talk.com/threads/help-i-d-these-pickups-please.423148/
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